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Creating N:1 (1:N) Relations

The n:1 (or 1:n) relation type links several objects to one object. It means that many entity instances from the related entity can reference any one entity instance from the primary entity.

Note: n:1 and 1:n relations are basically the same from the structural point of view. The only difference is in the default position of the source and target object types.

For n:1 (1:n) relation type, there is usually the following sequence of wizard pages available:

  • Page 1: Enables you to select 2 object types which you want to work with.
  • Page 2: Deals with the cardinality selection.
  • Page 3: Deals with the relation mandatoriness.
  • Page 4: Enables you to specify names of the relation attributes.
  • Page 5: Generates the SQL script.
  • Page 6: Enables you to set a foreign key.
  • Page 7: The summary of the process.

Note: The number of pages which the wizard consist of largely depends on the type of relation being created. For instance, creating a transient relation requires less steps than creating an m:n relation.

In This Chapter

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Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

See Also

Creating Relations: The Relation Wizard

Creating an M:N Relation