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Page 5

In this step you need to execute a DDL script that adds a new foreign key column(s) and a foreign key constraint(s).

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Executing a DDL script.

Feel free to modify the column names, constraint names etc. You can execute it by clicking the 'Execute' button or by copying it to a DB tool of your preference and executing it there.

It should be noted that the 'Execute' button is enabled just in case that:

  • The VM Console is enabled too.
  • The execution of select statements in the Console is allowed as well.

Note: If you have already created a new foreign key column(s), you can skip this step.

It is also recommended to save the script to a file by clicking the 'Save' button.


Click 'Next' to proceed to the 6th page.

See Also

Creating N:1 (1:N) Relations

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