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In this step you need to select the relationship cardinality. It means you can define how the source and target objects relate to each other.

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Selecting the cardinality: n:1 in this case.

At this stage, you can also denote the relation as:

  • Transient

    Creating a Transient relation means that the information about the link between objects is not stored in the database. It exists temporarily for as long as it is needed, then it is simply 'forgotten'.

    Using the wizard, creating the Transient relation is a more simple process than the n:1 relation definition. There is no SQL part, no foreign keys, only the cardinality, mandatoriness and attribute naming processes need to be completed.

  • Time-related

    If selected, the relation will become time-related. It means that there is a period of validity during which a particular allocation is valid. Please see the 'Time-Related N:M Relationship' example.

Note that there is a "live" UML notation of the new relation at the bottom part of the dialog box. The notation is being continuously updated in the next steps as the process of relation creation proceeds.


Click 'Next' to proceed to the 3rd page.

See Also

Creating N:1 (1:N) Relations

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