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The Definition of Basic Fields

This section contains the following fields:

  • Name

    The name of the Info Page object. It is important for internal naming and a differentiation in the catalog.

  • Title

    The translated name of the Info Page as it appears on the GUI when the application starts and the particular Business View is selected. To respect the exact terminology, this is the own Start Page title.

  • Content Width

    The width of an area with the user-defined content. The value is in pixels. The width can be judged easily especially if there is a different content background color defined (i.e. other than the window background color). If not set, the width will be set to match 100% width of the framing window.

  • Content Top Spacing

    The indention of the user-defined content from the top frame. The value is in pixels. If not set, the indention value of 25px will be set automatically.

  • Window Background Color

    The background color of the window. This is the primary background color filling the Workspace InfoObject window. You can set the color either by entering the hexadecimal notation or by using the Color Picker. If not set, the white color is used by default.

  • Content Background Color

    The background color of the content created by a user. This content is a kind of front layer above the window background. You can set the color either by entering the hexadecimal notation or by using the Color Picker.

  • Main Language

    An informative field showing the main language. The Main language of data is a concept related to Valuemation multilingual support. Selecting the main language of data tells the application which language (i.e. data in which language) will be stored in the main database table of the object type as opposed to data in 'other' (supplementary) languages which will be stored in dedicated translations tables. The content of the Info Page is displayed in this language. Please see the 'Multilingual Support' chapter for more detail.

  • Smart Tiles Activated

    If selected, the Info Page is rendered as a Start Page with Smart Tiles layer on the top in the Start Page Perspective. Any text defined in the Rich Text editor serves as a header of the Info Page only.

    If clear, the Smart Tiles layer in not available and the Info Page is rendered as a simple, introductory HTML Start Page (as designed in the editor).

See Also

Info Page Editor

Content Editor

Reference Catalogs

Control Buttons