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Reference Catalogs

The bottom part of the Info Page editor consists of the 'Language Variants' and 'Used for Business View' reference catalogs. These reference catalogs represent catalogs displaying a collection of objects referenced by the object for which the main editor is currently opened. Thus you can see and access the 'Business Views' and 'Language Variants' catalogs within one page.

'Language Variants' Reference Catalog

Valuemation currently offers a choice of four GUI languages: English, German, Italian and Arabic. For each of these languages, separate Start Pages, which can contain either the same or a different content, can be defined. As you switch among the languages in Valuemation, the corresponding Start Page is applied. If there are no language variants of the supported languages defined, the default (English) variant is used.

Note: Switching between languages in Valuemation can be done dynamically in runtime. However, all Catalogs and/or Editors inside Valuemation need to be closed before you make the language switch.

To add a new language variant:

  1. Right-click in the area under the 'Language Variants' tab and select the 'Create' menu item.


    Click the 'Add' button located in the bottom right-hand corner.

  2. A new Info Page editor will be opened as a new tab in the Valuemation Workspace InfoObject. Here you can define a new language variant.

The Info Page editor for the language variant contains the following fields:

  • Language

    Select the desired language which you want to define the language variant of the Info Page for. You can choose among the four, officially supported GUI languages.

  • Title

    The translated name of the Info Page as it appears on the GUI when the application starts and the particular Business View is selected. To respect the exact terminology, we can say that this is the own Start Page title.

  • Content (standard), Content (customer-specific)

    The Content section comprises two editors controlling the standard and customer-specific InfoPage definitions independently as it was described in the Content Editor section.

'Used For Business Views' Reference Catalog

Here you can link a Start Page to the desired Business View or you can manage the already existing Start Page-Business View links.

Conversely, there are three relevant actions you can take with the Business View directly in this reference catalog:

  • Search for and assign a Business View to the Start Page
  • Create and add a brand-new Business View

There are control buttons and right-click menu options for all of these scenarios. Usually a user just wants to assign a Business View to the Start Page.

To link the Start Page to the Business View:

  1. Right-click in the area under the 'Used for Business View' tab and select the 'Assign' menu item.


    Click the 'Assign' button located in the bottom right-hand corner.

  2. In the Business View browser, select the desired Business View(s).
  3. Click 'OK'. The selection will be applied and the changes will be saved.

Similarly you can remove the existing assignments using the 'Remove' button. To create and add a new Business View, right-click and select 'Create' or Click the 'Create' button located in the bottom right-hand corner. To edit the current Business View, right-click and select the 'Customize in Specialized Dialog' action which calls the Business View Editor.

See Also

Info Page Editor

The Definition of Basic Fields

Content Editor

Control Buttons