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Valuemation View Customizer

The View Customizer represents one of the key customization tools in Valuemation. It is the place where Valuemation Views are created and configured. Using the customizer, it is possible to customize views by including or excluding object type attributes and their relations, ordering and re-arranging them, and setting their display properties.

The view customization primarily enables you to:

  • Limit data display to data relevant for a specific task only.
  • Arrange and group data in a way that makes sense and is easy to use.
  • Spread data across different tabs to increase readability and prevent data clutter.
  • Simplify data entry by assigning suitable formatters to fields.
  • Highlight the selected fields or data using formats and styles.

In This Chapter

Calling the View Customizer

Structure of the View Customizer

Designing a View

See Also

Managing Views

View Browser