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Contract Header Type

Classification objects 'Contract Type' are used to categorize contract items. It is, however, also useful to differentiate between different types of contracts (purchase, maintenance, service). This is done using classification objects 'Contract Header Type'.

To classify a contract, select one of available contract header types in the 'Contract Header Type' field of the contract editor'.

The type of a contract (determined by its 'contract header type') influences some aspects of its contract items "behaviour":

  • Contract header type attribute 'Default Contract Type on Contract Item' determines the default type of contract items belonging to the contract.
  • Contract header type attribute 'Show Position Type on Contract Item' has an impact on the master / demand contract functionality - contracts whose contract header type has the 'Show Position Type on Contract Item' attribute set to TRUE have the contract item position functionality enabled (it is possible to specify their contract items position (Master, Demand or Standard)).

    All contract header types available in standard Valuemation currently have 'Show Position Type on Contract Item' = 'True'. In such situation, 'Show Position Type on Contract Item' will be used to disable the master / demand functionality.

    See the 'Create master and demand contract items' section for more information.

See Also

Main Object Types


Contract Item

Contract Type

Contract Partner, Person & Organization Unit

Payment Schedule and Payment