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Contract Partner, Person & Organization Unit

To capture all possible links to the real-life business environment, the Contract object type offers the possibility to register associations to 'Related Contract Partners', 'Related Persons' and 'Related Organization Units'.

One contract can have links to one or more of these objects. The links are time-related, the time span of the association can be specified. In the contract editor, related partners, persons and organizational units are displayed as tabs with reference catalogs.

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Reference catalogs of related contract partners, persons and organizational units in the Contract editor

Related Contract Partner and Contract Partner Type

A contract can have internal or external partners. These partners are registered as objects of Valuemation 'Business Partner' object type linked to the contract. Business partners can be administered from the 'Business Partners...' catalogs found in the 'Organization' folder of the Contract Manager side bar.

To further distinguish between different types of business partner roles in the contracting process, 'Contract Partner Type' is used. Classification objects 'Contract Partner Type' can be administered from the 'Contract Partner Types' catalog found in the 'Classification' folder of the Contract Manager side bar. Examples of standard partner types are 'Consumer', 'Customer', 'Financial Partner', Supplier'.

Contract partner type is assigned to the relation between a business partner and a contract and thus describes the role of a particular business partner in relation to a particular contract. The same is true for 'Contract Person Type' and 'Organization Unit Type'.

Related Person and Contract Person Type

Similar to contract partners, a contract can have individual persons associated to it. The aim is to provide an immediately accessible list of contact persons involved in any aspect of the contract negotiations. These people are registered as objects of Valuemation 'Person' type linked to the contract. Persons can be administered from any of the 'Persons...' catalogs found in the 'Organization' folder of the Contract Manager side bar.

Related persons can be assigned a 'Contract Person Type'. Contract person types describe the role of the person in the contractual processes. Classification objects 'Contract Person Type' can be administered from the 'Contract Person Types' catalog found in the 'Classification' folder of the Contract Manager side bar. Examples of standard contract person types are 'Contact', 'Creator', 'Informed', Responsible'.

Related Organization Unit and Organization Unit Type

A contract can also be associated with one or more organization units. To model this, objects of Valuemation 'Organization Unit' type are assigned to the contract. Organization units can be administered from the 'Organization Units...' catalogs found in the 'Organization' folder of the Contract Manager side bar.

Organization units can be classified by assigning a contract department type to them. 'Contract Department Type' classification objects can be administered from the 'Contract Department Types' catalog found in the 'Classification' folder of the Contract Manager side bar. Examples of standard contract department types are 'Created by', 'Informed', Requested for'.

See Also

Main Object Types


Contract Item

Contract Type

Contract Header Type

Payment Schedule and Payment