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Pivot Table Controls

The following control sets are available in pivot table editors and/or catalogs.

General controls

Help Image

a - print the selected table to one of the possible outputs

b - modify condition for filtering of objects

c - select value of fields in page area

d - assign next value to the page area

Column = Plan

Help Image
a - sort columns alphabetically descending

b - sort rows alphabetically descending

c - swap content of the row and column areas

d - regenerate charts for the selected pivot items

e - increase number of fields shown in the row area, in other words show more details for rows

f - show previous page

g - reload previous row page

h - regenerate first page in the pivot table

i - reload next row page

j - show next page of horizontal groups

Field list

Help Image

a - shift position up

b - shift position down

c - swap content of the row and column areas

d - assign selected fields to the page area

e - assign selected columns to the row area

f - assign selected columns to the column area

g - assign selected fields to the data area

See Also

Using a Pivot Table to analyze Valuemation Data

Compare expenses in different plans by period

Pivot Table Charts

Print Pivot Tables

Pivot Table Reuse