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Settings for the 'KnowledgeBase - Valuemation' linking.

KnowledgeBase is a document management application of the KnowledgeCenter suite. Useful Valuemation incident ticket descriptions can be published as easily searchable KnowledgeBase documents.

The 'Knowledgebase' tab of 'Setup Administrator Settings' contains the following items:

  • Knowledgebase URL

    URL of the KnowledgeBase application used for document management within the Valuemation - KnowledgeCenter functionality.

  • Knowledgebase Webservice

    Path to the webservice which administers the communication between Valuemation and KnowledgeBase.

  • Workflow ID

    Specifies which KnowledgeBase Workflow is assigned to new KnowledgeBase documents created from Valuemation ticket descriptions.

    KnowledgeBase Workflows determine the life cycle of KnowledgeBase documents, making sure documents are handled in a standardized manner. Each document must be assigned a workflow. For more information see the 'KnowledgeBase Workflows' topic at the end of this chapter.

    In the 'Workflow ID' attribute of 'Setup Administrator Settings'/'Knowledgebase' tab, only the final number in the KnowledgeBase Workflow attribute 'Text key' is used.

    Help Image
    To reference this KnowledgeBase workflow, only number '2' would be used in the 'Workflow ID' attribute.

  • Dokumententype ID

    Specifies which KnowledgeBase document type is assigned to new KnowledgeBase documents created from Valuemation ticket descriptions.

    Document types are used for classification and grouping of documents. For more information see the 'KnowledgeBase Document Types' topic at the end of this chapter.

    In the 'Dokumententype ID' attribute of 'Setup Administrator Settings'/'Knowledgebase' tab, only the final number in the KnowledgeBase Workflow attribute 'Text key' is used.

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    To reference this KnowledgeBase document type, only number '1' would be used in the 'Dokumententype ID' attribute.

  • Status ID

    Specifies which initial status is assigned to new KnowledgeBase documents created from Valuemation ticket descriptions.

    Throughout its life-cycle, a KnowledgeBase document goes through different statuses. KnowledgeBase status values are predefined - created on the database level. See the image below for available statuses and corresponding status IDs.

    As an initial status, 'in creation' is usually used. This status would be referenced in the 'Status ID' attribute by value '2'.

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    To reference KnowledgeBase status 'in creation', number '2' would be used in the 'Status ID' attribute.

    Important note: All users expected to create KnowledgeBase documents (from ticket descriptions, in our case) must have KnowledgeBase 'create' permissions for the specified workflow, document type and status.

  • Mandator Key

    KnowledgeBase works with the concept of 'mandators'. A mandator corresponds to a separate section of the database, accessible by certain user groups. Each document must be assigned to a mandator.

    The 'Mandator Key' attribute specifies to which mandator new KnowledgeBase documents created from Valuemation ticket descriptions are assigned.

  • Attachments from Ticket apply

    If set to true, then attachment(s) belonging to the Valuemation ticket will be transfered to KnowledgeBase and attached to the corresponding KnowledgeBase document.

  • Transfer ticketclass and ticketno

    If set to true, then text "This document was created from Incident <ticket number>" is added to the content of documents created from Valuemation ticket descriptions.

  • Transfer "Creator of the solution description"

    If set to true, then text "This solution description was created by <user>" is added to the content of documents created from Valuemation ticket descriptions.

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See Also

Setup Administrator Settings

Administrator Settings

Administrator Settings Advanced

Global Settings

Ticket Specific Settings