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Catalog - View

Assigned help topic will be displayed on pressing the F1 key when the catalog or editor to which it is assigned is opened and selected.

Let's continue our example by assigning the 'Problem Management Use Cases' help topic to the 'Problems' catalog. The change in behaviour will be:

  • (C) 'Problems' catalog opened and selected in the workspace:

    F1 pressed - 'Problem Management Use Cases' help topic gets opened (assignment on the catalog level is applied)

In a similar way, assignment on the view level results in the assigned help topic being opened when the particular view (editor) is opened and selected.

Note: This assignment not only represents higher precision (being able to distinguish between different catalogs/view of the same object type) but also provides a workaround for differentiation between object type classes. For example Incident, Problem and Change are different classes of the same object type - Ticket. It is not possible to create assignments for specific object type classes but it is, as a workaround, possible to assign specific topics to catalogs/views belonging to the individual classes.

See Also

Annex1: Hierarchy With Examples

Business View

Object Type

Workflow Definition

Workflow Node