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Business View

Assigned help topic will be displayed on pressing the F1 key when the particular Valuemation business view is opened and no other, more specific assignment is available.

For example, let's assume that the '1st Level Support' business view has the 'Incident Management' help topic assigned. The 'Incidents' catalog is assigned to the 'Incident Management Use Cases' topic, the 'Problems' catalog has no help topic assigned and the 'Ticket' object type also has no assignment. For the sake of this example, let's also assume that the '2nd Level Support' business view has no help topic assignment.
This (rather inconsistent) hypothetical assignment will result in the following behaviour:

  • (A) '2nd Level Support' business view opened in the side bar, nothing opened in the workspace:

    F1 pressed - Help home page gets opened (no specific assignment available)

  • (B) '1st Level Support' business view opened in the side bar, nothing opened in the workspace:

    F1 pressed - 'Incident Management' help topic gets opened (assignment on the business view level applied)

  • (C) '1st Level Support' business view opened in the side bar, 'Problems' catalog opened and selected in the workspace:

    F1 pressed - 'Incident Management' help topic gets opened (assignment on the business view level applied, no specific assignment for the selected catalog available)

  • (D) '1st Level Support' business view opened in the side bar, 'Incidents' catalog opened and selected in the workspace:

    F1 pressed - 'Incident Management Use Cases' help topic gets opened (assignment on the catalog level applied)

See Also

Annex1: Hierarchy With Examples

Object Type

Catalog - View

Workflow Definition

Workflow Node