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Business Rules

The business rules behind escalations are largely customer specific. These may be deadlines, service agreements between departments or problem-response times. Specifically in the Support Center, there are often rules about down-times, response times to the end-user, providing alternative equipment etc. These must all be clearly formulated before they can be defined in Valuemation.

Typical rules would be:

  • Tickets of a certain severity (e.g. Network outages) must be given the highest priority. If this down-time extends beyond 30 minutes, the line manager must be informed.
  • Replacement equipment must be offered to an end- user within 48 hours if the problem has not been fixed. If this condition cannot be met, the user must be informed. The line manager must also be informed of this breach of service level.
  • If repairs are more than 2 weeks outstanding, a reminder should be sent to the person / concern responsible for the repairs. The end-user should be informed that his repair is still ongoing and given the contact information of the person responsible.
  • If the estimated delivery date for an order has passed and the goods have not arrived (no Incoming Goods), the vendor should be requested to give an update of the status and a new estimated delivery date. This reminder should be protocoled.
  • If a PC with no USB connection is assigned to the same system as device with a USB connection, this potential error in Inventory should be protocoled and brought to the attention of the Configuration Group.

See Also

Valuemation Escalation

Escalation Basics

Escalation Process

Technical Environment


Escalation in Use