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Escalation Basics

The following terms are used in connection with escalation:

  • Escalation Parameter

The Escalation process itself is started with a parameter which consists of the Escalation Type collection to be checked on this run. The Escalation must be called separately for each Escalation Parameter.

  • Escalation Type

The Escalation Type corresponds to the business rule or requirement. An Escalation Type refers to a specific business object Type. The Escalation Type contains details of which attributes in the business object contain the Date, Time and duration information. The Escalation Type also contains the condition for the Escalation Record update.

For Escalation Records, every "create" or "update" of the business object causes the condition to be checked – the escalation record is created / updated / deleted accordingly.

For Condition Escalation, the Escalation Type contains the name of the Object Type to which the condition (in the Escalation Condition business object) will be applied.

  • Escalation Levels

This is an expression of how the business object stands with relation to the deadline or event in question. Typically several Escalation Levels are defined which reflect a growing urgency or heightened level of alert.

  • Escalation Steps or Type Levels

An Escalation Step or Type / Level is created for each Escalation Type and each Escalation Level for that type. The Escalation Steps or Type Levels express whether this level is triggered before or exactly at the relevant deadline (and by how much) and what action should be taken (increment Escalation Level, carry out an action (Workflow).

An example of the Escalation Steps would be:

  • 2 hours before the deadline alert the person responsible (escalation Action)
  • 1 hour before the deadline alert the person responsible.
  • At the deadline itself mail the relevant group leader and protocol the delay.
  • 1 hour after the deadline the mail will be sent to a manager
  • Escalation Actions

An Escalation Action is the actual task to be executed when an object is due for escalation. The Actions are carried out by Workflows. Typical Escalation actions would be “Update the business object” (with some relevant information), “Send an Email”, “Protocol the Event”.

  • Escalation Conditions

An Escalation Condition is a condition to be applied to a business object. If the condition is met, the specified Escalation Action is carried out.

  • Escalation Records

An Escalation Record is created for a Ticket, if the Ticket matches a specific condition (detailed in the Escalation Type) upon creation. The Escalation Record contains the information about the ticket which is relevant to the Escalation. Whenever the Ticket is updated, this condition is re-checked. If the condition is no longer valid (e.g. the ticket changed status), then the escalation record is removed.

  • Escalation Settings

The Administrator can specify several settings for the Escalation which dictate how the escalation works.

See Also

Valuemation Escalation

Business Rules

Escalation Process

Technical Environment


Escalation in Use