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User solves incident created by ZIS-System

A user solves an incident in Valuemation that was created by ZIS-System. After setting the status to „solved“, Valuemation will notify ZIS-System with the corresponding ZIS_Reference_ID. ZIS-System will change the status of the Event identified by the ZIS_Reference_ID to an user-defined status which will also change the status colour in ZIS SLM to a user-defined colour, e.g. to blue.

It is advisable alloting different default colours for the various feedback signals from Valuemation. For example the colour of an event unit could change to grey at the moment that an informed person has acknowledged a newly occurred incident. And in case that an incident has been set to the status “Solved” manually by a Valuemation user the colour of a ZIS Event Unit consequently could change to blue.

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A ticket becomes extended by an additional description at the moment that a user manually acknowledges an incident triggered by the ZIS-System.

See Also

General Description

Creation of a new ticket in VM triggered by ZIS

Update of an already existing ticket in VM triggered by ZIS

Criteria for setting the status of a ticket to “solved”

Acknowledgement of an event (manually)