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Creation of a new ticket in VM triggered by ZIS

ZIS-System receives a message information from the monitored system. ZIS system sends all incidents unfiltered to the EPI. EPI decides on the basis of its deposited policies whether to raise a notification or not and whether to create a ticket in Valuemation or not or whether to update an existing ticket or not. The rule for making these decisions usually depends on the settings which the customer once has accomplished. Otherwise the default rules are to take into account.

EPI decides that a ticket has to be created:

ZIS System sends the ZIS_Reference_ID (a compound ID among other things consisting of the Event_Unit_ID and a point of time), a CREATE-flag, a ticket short text (TCK_SHORTTEXT), a ticket long description (DESCRIPTION), and a UserID to the EPI and the EPI by itself transfers it to Valuemation. In VM a ticket will be created with the following data:

  • Ticket ID (Number) = created by Valuemation (consider: AMT_HIGHESTKEY)
  • Status = „Created (IN)“
  • Ticket short text like in corresponding message text from ZIS
  • Ticket long description like in corresponding message text from ZIS
  • ZIS_Reference_ID = The compound unique ID received from ZIS System (for all future references)
  • UserID = received from ZIS-System
  • UserName according UserID. If not found: UserName = „ZIS_System“
  • Date = System Date (Timestamp)

See Also

General Description

Update of an already existing ticket in VM triggered by ZIS

Criteria for setting the status of a ticket to “solved”

Acknowledgement of an event (manually)

User solves incident created by ZIS-System