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Update of an already existing ticket in VM triggered by ZIS

EPI decides, that a ticket has to be updated:

ZIS System sends the ZIS_Reference_ID, an UPDATE-flag, a ticket short text (TCK_SHORTTEXT), the ticket long description (DESCRIPTION) and a UserID to the EPI and the EPI by itself transfers it to Valuemation. In VM the ticket that conforms to the ZIS_Reference_ID will be updated with a newly created ticket description (additional DESCRIPTION to a ticket in Valuemation) with the following data:

  • Status will be updated to = „in Progress (IN)“
  • Description ticket short text (TCK_SHORTTEXT) like in corresponding message text from ZIS
  • Long description (DESCRIPTION) like in corresponding message text from ZIS
  • UserID of ticket description = received from ZIS-System
  • User data of ticket description according UserID. If not found: UserName = „ZIS_System“

Help Image

The result of an update procedure related to a ticket is always a further entry in the field “description” of a ticket. In the illustration above there is a message informing about a change of the status (“Status changed by ZIS-System”, No. 2).

See Also

General Description

Creation of a new ticket in VM triggered by ZIS

Criteria for setting the status of a ticket to “solved”

Acknowledgement of an event (manually)

User solves incident created by ZIS-System