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Keyword & Keyword Class

It is possible to define a list of special Keywords which can be used for extra Ticket classification. These keywords are usually grouped in an appropriate class.

An eample of a Keyword use:

In the Ticket Activity editor, select 'Reference 1 Type' = Keyword, and 'Reference 1' = %ser%.

  • The "ser%" search function will be applied to list all Keywords starting with the "ser" letters.
  • Select the required Keyword from the Keyword catalog.

Keywords usually have superordinated Keyword Classes. Both Keyword Class and its keyword may be used for a detailed Ticket classification when creating a new Ticket.

See Also

Object Types


Model Ticket

Ticket Type

Ticket Class


Ticket Description

Ticket Shorttext




Reference Type

Statement Type

Status Track

Support Group

Time & Planning Objects

Service Parameter Type