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Configure a System: Upgrade Components

To upgrade components of a system using the 'Configure the System' action:

  1. Select the system in a systems catalog and call action 'Configure the System' from the right-click context menu.
  2. The Configure System window opens. The window is split into two halves. The left half represents the configured system, the right half displays by default (configurable by settings) a stock system used as a component source pool.
  3. Set the effective date for the action. This is the date when the new configuration will take effect.
  4. In both panes, each system is displayed as a tree structure. Use component check boxes to mark the components intended to take part in the configure action. When upgrading, the old component will be selected on the left (in the system to be upgraded), and a new component will be selected on the right (the source system).
  5. Use the left-to-right arrow button between the left and right pane to remove the old component and the right-to-left button to install a new component.

    You can modify the process of moving components by several options:

    • With Subcomponents: Select this check box if the selected components should be transferred together with their subcomponents.
    • Subcomponents Spanning System: Select this check box if subcomponents should always be assigned to the same system as their supercomponent. In most cases this is he desired setting.
    • Match Case: Select this check box to make searching and filtering in the left and right pane case sensitive.

      For instance, to search case-sensitively for a particular component in the system to be configured, keep 'Match Case' selected, type the filtering criteria in the 'Component' field and select the 'Filter' check box next to the 'Component' field.

    • Status of Components: Select the component status to be automatically assigned to the transferred components. If no status is selected, status of moved components will not change.
  6. Clicking 'OK' to confirm the changes and close the window.


Help Image
Upgrading an old (defective) component with a new one

See Also

Configure the System

Configure a System: Add Components

Configure a System: Remove Components

Configure a System: Change Components Structure