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Selecting Objects

Selecting Individual Objects

  • To select or deselect an object in the opened catalog, left-click the object.
  • To select more objects, use the usual CTRL-key and SHIFT-key ways.
  • Hold down the CTRL-key and left-click all the objects you want to have selected.
  • The other way is selecting 1 object by left-clicking on it followed by holding the SHIFT-key and left-clicking on 1 another object.

    This way all the objects between those 2 get selected.

Selecting All Objects in the Currently Displayed Page

To select or deselect all objects in the currently displayed catalog page, use the check box in the header of the table view.

See also the Listing Objects topic.

Number of Selected Objects

The number of objects selected on all pages of the opened catalog is displayed in the catalog header in the following format:

[range of objects / total number of objects : selected objects]

Note: Fore more information on 'range of objects' and 'total number of objects' values see the Listing Objects (Catalog Pages) topic.

See Also

Operations in the Table View

Basic Sorting of Objects

Editing Objects

Visibility of Colums

Columns Dragging & Dropping

Size Adjustment


Freezing Columns


Detail Viewer