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Reference Catalog: Translation

When an attachments reference catalog has been added to a view, you may want to replace its generic '_attachments' name by a suitable translation.

  1. Open the 'Translation Editor' in Valuemation Rich Client.
  2. In the 'Type and Attribute' window pane, choose 'Generic Types' and select the object type whose editor is being customized.
  3. In the list of attributes, locate and select '_attachments'.
  4. In the right-hand window pane, specify a suitable translation and tooltip. Click 'Apply'.

The attachments tab in the editor will be renamed according to the specified translation.

See Also

Attachments Customization

Dialog: Add Actions to Editor

Reference Catalog: Add Reference Catalog

Reference Catalog: Attachments of Related Objects

Enable Simple Search by Attachments

Catalog: Rendering Condition for Objects With Attachments

Duplicate Data Handling