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The Attachments Dialog

The Attachments dialog box is a standard Valuemation tool for handling attachments. It gets displayed when the 'Attachments' action is called from a catalog context menu or an action button in an editor.

Help Image

The 'Attachments' dialog box consists of the following elements:

  • Icon

    Icon distinguishing the type of attachment, see 'Object Attachments' for information on attachment types.

  • Name

    Attachment name.

  • Type

    Attachment file type.

  • Size

    Attachment size.

  • Location

    Relevant for 'Link' (Rich Client only) and 'Hyperlink' attachments: location of linked file or URL of hyperlink attachment.

  • Download

    Clicking the icon opens standard 'File Download' dialog.

  • Date

    Date and time when the file was attached, actual attachment is done when dialog button 'OK' is clicked ('Attachments' dialog called from a catalog) or when the edited object is saved ('Attachments' dialog called from an editor).

  • User

    Valuemation user who attached the file.

The 'Attachments' dialog box has the following control buttons:

  • Open

    Opens the selected attachment. Valuemation Rich Client: the attachment opens in the associated application, Valuemation Web Client: tries to open the file in the default browser, if not possible - application selection dialog is presented. Hyperlink attachment opens in the default browser.

  • Save

    For file attachments, opens the standard 'File Download' dialog. Disabled for link and hyperlink attachments.

  • Add File

    Click to attach a file. Opens the 'Add File Attachment' dialog to browse for the file to be attached. The file will be stored in the database.

  • Add Link

    Valuemation Rich Client only. Click to create a link attachment. Opens an 'Upload File' dialog to browse for a file to be linked. Use with caution - the file will not be stored in the database, only a reference to the local file will be saved. Consequently, the attachment will be useless on another machine and in Valuemation Web Client.

  • Add Hyperlink

    Click to attach a hyperlink. Opens the 'Add Hyperlink Attachment' dialog where hyperlink descriptive name and URL can be specified.

  • Remove

    Removes the selected attachment. Attention: no confirmation dialog gets displayed.

  • Cancel

    Closes the 'Attachments' dialog without saving any changes.

  • OK

    Saves changes made in the dialog and closes it. At this point the newly attached files are saved in the database.

  • Filter Row

    The row at the top of the catalog can be used to dynamically filter catalog content. Typing in a column in the row automatically filters the list to contain only the attachments whose corresponding column contains the typed text.

See Also

Attachments in Use

Attachments in Catalogs

Attachments in Editors

The Attachments Reference Catalog

The Upload file Dialog Box Features

Automatic prompting for file downloads in IE8