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Attachments in Catalogs

The standard way of working with attachments in Valuemation catalogs is via the 'Attachments' dialog called from objects context menu.

  1. In a Valuemation catalog, right-click the object whose attachments you want to work with. Call the 'Show attachments' action from the object context menu.
  2. The 'Attachments' dialog opens. Use it to administer object attachments.
  3. Click 'OK' to save changes made in the attachments dialog. The 'Add File' button adds attachments to the dialog, the actual saving happens when the 'OK' button is clicked. Clicking 'Cancel' closes the 'Attachments' dialog with no changes applied.

See Also

Attachments in Use

Attachments in Editors

The Attachments Dialog

The Attachments Reference Catalog

The Upload file Dialog Box Features

Automatic prompting for file downloads in IE8