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Email Template Tab

The 'Email template' tab specifies basic email properties.

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Available fields:

  • Name

    Name under which the template is saved.

  • Description

    Textual description of the template, e.g. explanation of its intended use etc.

  • Email Type

    Type of e-mail text - plain text or text using html formatting.

  • To / Cc / Bcc

    Addressee options: to / carbon copy / blind carbon copy
    It is possible to either specify directly an existing email address or to use the output of one of available email functions - see 'Info Tab'.

  • Send object attachments

    Email templates can be set up so that attachments of the Valuemation object for which an email is sent are attached to the email. Selecting the 'Send object attachments' check box enables this functionality at the email template level. See topic 'Automatic Sending of Object Attachments With Emails' for more information.

See Also

Email Template Editor

Object Type Tab

Info Tab