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What is Object Mapping

In simplest terms, object mapping makes it possible to take data stored in objects of one object type and use this data to create or update objects of another object type. For example, we may take personnel-related information contained in objects of the chargeback Cost Center object type and use it to create new or update existing objects of the Person object type.

Object mapping introduces a new object type which stores information about how to map one business object (source) to another (target) and what operation should be performed for each source object to create or update the target one.

Catalog of Object Mappings

In standard Valuemation, the 'Objectmappings' catalog is found in the Planning/Calculation Manager sidebar. The use of object mapping, however, is not restricted to this module as it can be used for any Valuemation object type.

Help Image

The catalog lists all defined object mappings. It can be used mainly to:

  • Define a new object mapping

    use the 'Create' context menu command

  • Edit an existing mapping

    Double-click a catalog entry or use the 'Edit' context menu command.

  • Execute a mapping

    This means updating or creating target objects according to the mapping definition.

    Use the 'Execute' button or the 'Execute' context menu command.

Help Image

Catalog of Object Mappings

See Also

Object Mapping

What is Object Mapping

Specifying the Mapping

Object Mapping Editor

Bind Attributes




Additional Information