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Calculation Options

The 'Options' tab of the 'Calculating Evaluations' window provides additional settings for the calculation.

As these options can significantly alter predefined evaluation processing, they have to be enabled by clicking the 'Options: Change Options...' button. An information message appears to inform you about the consequences. Beware that previously calculated evaluations will remain unchanged (e.i. will remain calculated according to the old settings).

Once the options have been enabled, it is possible to set the following:

  • Item Type Condition

    Makes it possible to narrow down the selection of item types to be evaluated. The selection condition is created using a query editor opened by clicking the 'Option: Don't Evaluate...' button which appears in the bottom part of the 'Calculate Evaluation' window once the options have been enabled.

  • Delivery/In-Time

    This option prevents the supplier's 'late delivery' competency evaluation being unjustly distorted in case that the calculation is being performed while already delivered goods is waiting for administrative processing.

    Set the option to 'true' if you are sure that no already delivered goods form the evaluated supplier is waiting for processing. In this case the following happens:

    When desired delivery date of order had passed before 'calculate to' and there is a quantity for which incoming goods acceptance has not been done till today, the missing quantity is considered 'late'.

  • Avoid Multiple Evaluation

    Measures deliveries only up to the requested quantity, assuming that these are the first deliveries of each requested product. Deselecting this option will include all deliveries into evaluation, giving the supplier a chance to improve the average evaluation by including also repetitive delivery.

See Also

Calculating Evaluations

Performing the Calculation