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Performing the Calculation

To perform an evaluation calculation, use the action 'Calculate Evaluations For...' found in the SRM & Procurement Manager side bar. When the action is called, the 'Calculating Evaluations' window opens.

The 'Main' tab takes care of the actual calculation.

  • Calculate From / Calculate To

    Use these fields to specify the period of evaluation.

    • All data from incoming goods registered in this time period will be taken into account (unless filtered out by additional conditions, see 'Calculation Options').
    • All evaluations by evaluating persons whose evaluation period falls into the calculation period will be taken into account. If 'Inputs duration-weighted' is enabled in the 'Edit: Evaluable Competency' editor, then weight of the evaluation inputs whose evaluation interval falls only partially into the calculation interval is calculated proportionately.
  • Only Type

    Use to narrow down the calculated objects to suppliers of only one type (Business Partner, Person).

    If a particular supplier type is selected, a field enabling to further narrow down the selection by specifying a condition for the supplier is added to the view. Press the 'Only Subset...' button at the bottom of the dialog window to open a query editor and use it to specify the condition.

After you have selected the calculation period (and - optionally - the supplier type and condition), click 'OK' to perform the calculation.

See Also

Calculating Evaluations

Calculation Options