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New Input

A new evaluation is created using the 'New Input' context menu command in 'Your Evaluation Inputs' catalog.

  • First, you are asked to specify the type of evaluation, i.e. the business object type to be evaluated. Currently, the choice is between 'Business Partner' and 'Person'.
  • Select a business partner or person form the catalog which opens next
  • Upon selection, the business partner gets opened in the Evaluation Inputs editor. Here it is necessary to specify the evaluation period by filling in the 'Evaluated From' and 'Evaluated To' fields. Optionally, it is possible to narrow down the evaluation to a particular contract or project.

Note: It is not possible to create more than one evaluation for one supplier with all other data (i.e. all evaluation attributes except the actual competency evaluations) the same. It is, however, possible to create more evaluations of the same supplier each in regard to a different contract (or project).

In This Chapter

Evaluation Competencies

Certainty/Weight (points)

See Also

Providing Inputs

Next Input for the Selected