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Evaluation Competencies

The actual evaluation is performed in the 'Competencies' tab of the editor. The tab lists competencies created for the currently edited type of business partner in the setup stage of the process. To be precise, the competencies listed here are those which are 'Mandatory' and 'Optional: Listed Always'. Mandatory competencies are denoted by bold font.

  • If any 'Optional: Only Added by Evaluator' competencies exist for the currently edited type of business partner, these can be added to the list using the 'Add Competency...' button. Clicking the button opens a catalog from which additional evaluable competencies can be selected.
  • Note that competencies added in this way can also be removed from the list. Use the right-click context menu 'Remove' command to do so. 'Mandatory' and 'Optional: Listed Always' competencies cannot be removed.

Now all relevant competencies are listed and you can start the evaluation. For this, use inplace editing in the 'Evaluation Input' column of the 'Competencies' list. You will be presented with a value set of six grades ranging from 1 - Excellent to 6 - Unsatisfactory.

See Also

New Input

Certainty/Weight (points)