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Image from Attachment

In the 'Creating a MultiLine Mode' example, we need the ability to display an image taken from object's attachments. For this to be possible, the object type must have a special 'image' attribute. The following example shows how to create a transient image attribute. See also the 'Image Assignment' section.

In this example, we are going to create a transient attribute for the 'Person' object type and set it up so that it references the first image attachment of a particular 'Person' object:

  1. Open the 'Person' object type in the Object Type Customizer.
  2. Switch to the 'Transient Attributes' tab.
  3. Add a new transient attribute and give it a descriptive name ('Image4MLC' in our example).

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  4. Double-click the 'Default Value' field of the new attribute to call the 'Default Value' dialog box. In the 'Direct Value' field of the dialog, enter ATTACHMENT:#0 (see the image below). This specifies that the value will be taken from the first attachment of the object.
  5. Click 'OK' to close the dialog box.

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  6. Next it is necessary to specify the newly created attribute as an image attribute.

    With the new attribute selected, click the 'Edit Extended Properties' button. A dialog box gets opened. Click the 'Add' button to add a new extended property. Another dialog box gets opened. Select 'Image Attribute' as the property name. Select 'true' as the property value.

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    Now you can insert a cell linked to this attribute and specify its 'Content Type' as 'Image'.

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    Using standard attachment functionality, the user will be able to insert images in the cells by attaching image files to objects.

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See Also

Example: Creating a MultiLine Mode