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Node Color Coding

In the Workflow Debugger, it is possible to go step-by-step through individual workflow activities.

Status of individual activities at each moment of the workflow execution is denoted by node colors.

The meaning of node colors in the debugging mode:

  • White - this activity has not been executed yet and it is not possible to decide yet if it will or will not be executed (nodes 'A' in the image below)
  • Grey - the activity will be skipped during the current run the workflow (nodes 'B' in the image below)
  • Khaki Green - currently active node that is ready to be performed. (nodes 'C' in the image below)

    Such nodes can be found in the 'Stopped Activities' list below the node diagram. These nodes are the first to be executed when the 'Resume' button is pressed.

    When several activities are stopped at one moment, the resume button starts the one which is currently selected in the 'Stopped Activities' list (regardless of which node is selected in the node diagram).

    Help Image

  • Light Green - activity which has already been executed (nodes 'D' in the image below)
  • Yellow - activity which is sure to be performed in the next steps (nodes 'E' in the image below)

    Help Image

See Also

Workflow Debugging

Opening the Debugger

Debug Navigation

Script Debugging