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Enhancing Security of Oracle Database Connection

For each database connection (dbsession), a database user (dbuser) and password (dbpassword) used to establish the connection have to be specified:

  • Information about database users and their passwords is stored in a configuration file (AuthenticationManager_jaas.config) found in Valuemation installation directory.
  • To enable Valuemation unrestricted work with the database, these users have to be granted a full range of database rights.

Having the login data of users with full database rights which are easily accessible to unauthorized parties may be considered potentially hazardous in certain business environments.

Consequently, Valuemation offers two optional methods to enhance the security of database connection parameters used by the application to establish connection to the database:

Note: Method1 and Method2 can be used in combination.

In This Chapter

M1: Rights Provided Via Encrypted Database Role

M2: Encrypting the Authentication Config File

See Also

Configuration of the Database Connection and Authentication Basics
