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M2: Encrypting the Authentication Config File

This straightforward method is based on encrypting the entire content of the 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file by a proprietary encryption tool. ('EncodeAuthenticationManager_jaasConfig.bat').

The tool takes the original Authentication Manager Jaas configuration file and creates a new file with corresponding encrypted content. The encrypted file can get a default name and path or a new name and path can be specified. After the encoding utility is used, the original 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file should be deleted (for security reasons) and the new encoded file should be renamed to 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config'.

Steps to perform:

  1. Locate and run the 'EncodeAuthenticationManager_jaasConfig.bat' utility

    Command line parameters:

    • -inp <orig_config_file>

      Name and path of the original Authentication Manager Jaas configuration file.

    • -out <encoded_config_file>

      Name and path of the resulting encrypted Authentication Manager Jaas configuration file.

      This parameter is optional. If omitted, the encrypted file is created within the same directory as the original one and given a prefix 'Encoded'.

  2. Replace the original 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file with the encoded one
    • Go to Valuemation installation root directory.
    • Delete the original non-encrypted 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file.
    • Rename the resulting file to 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config'.

Valuemation automatically recognizes and decrypts the resulting encrypted 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file, which is then used in the same way as the original one.

See Also

Enhancing Security of Oracle Database Connection

M1: Rights Provided Via Encrypted Database Role