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Valuemation with ServiceConnector

When Valuemation and ServiceConnector are on the same web server (for example, when used for the 'Chat' functionality), a problem with the 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' file may occur. This problem is indicated by the " No LoginModules configured" error.

The cause of the problem is that applications running on the server define security on the basis of a common file 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config'. Valuemation uses its own 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' located within its folder structure. If there is a mismatch between the two files located in these two locations, an exception may occur depending on the order in which the web applications start.

The solution is to make Valuemation read 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' from the same location as other web applications on the server, i.e. to define the path to 'AuthenticationManager_jaas.config' using java system property defined within the context of the web server.

See Also


Authentication of the Database Connection