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Creating a Report: Syntax Rules for Parameters

When creating a report, you will often use parameters to enter dynamic text entries. For example, a line providing information on the date when the report was printed might look like this:

Report printed: %DATE%

This is the content of a text report item as seen in the report editor. The corresponding line in the report then could be (depending in the current date, of course):

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  • Global Parameters

    The above example used a global parameter. Parameters of this type are often (but not necessarily) part of the report header and as such they are used as so called floating report items.

    The following global functions are available:


      The appropriate page number is substituted in each page.

    • %DATE%

      The current date in the default format will be substituted.

    • %TIME%

      The current time in the default format will be substituted.

    • %DATETIME%

      The current date and time will be substituted

    Sometimes you may want to further specify the date and time format. Using the standardized conventions, you can get it the way you like:

    •  %DATETIME:dd.MM.yyyy%  …………..  in view:  27.02.2007
    •  %DATETIME:dd.MM.yy% ……………..  in view: 27.02.07
  • Object Type Parameters

    In the following example, we will again use a date, but this time it will be derived from a business object. We will use the 'valid from' (not renamed) derived parameter of a system to see the exact date of the system creation.

    In the report editor:

    • The system was created: %PARAM:derivParam100318(dd.MMM.yyyy)%

    In the report resulting report:

    • The system was created: 26.May.2007

    The syntax structure for using report parameters is case sensitive and needs to be specified exactly like this:

    %PARAM:Name of your parameter%

See Also

Parameters Tab

Printing a Report: Parameters Function

Copy / Paste in Parameters Tab