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List of Result Messages

The List of Result Messages may contain the following messages:

  • Successful (CP_00000)

    Indicates that the comparison was successful and there’s no error or warning. This message can be generated more than once for a rule: One occurrence means the cardinality check has been successfully performed. In this case there’s no VM and SM object identification (business key) because the rule is analyzed for a match in cardinality. This message is also issued for each successful mapping comparison (instances of compared objects). In that case, there is a VM and SM object identification (business key) which identifies a concrete compared object. Logging of the message can be enabled or disabled in Options.

  • Warning: No VM object (CP_00004)

    States that no Valuemation object which meets the condition of the specified rule exists. 

  • Warning: No SM object (CP_00005)

    States that no SM object which meets the condition for the specified rule exists. 

  • Warning: Neither VM and SM object (CP_00006)

    States that neither a Valuemation object nor an SM object which meet the conditions for the specified rule exist. 

  • Information: Too many VM objects (CP_00008)

    States that more than one Valuemation objects which meet the conditions of the rule when specifying the default of a cardinality of 0:1 or 1:1 exist. 

  • Information: Too many SM objects (CP_00009)

    States that more than one SM objects which meet the conditions of the rule when specifying the default of a cardinality of 0:1 or 1:1 exists.

  • Information: Too many VM and SM objects (CP_00010)

    States that more than one Valuemation objects and more than one SM object which meets the conditions of the rule when specifying the default of a cardinality of 0:1 or 1:1exist.

  • Warning: No VM object and too many SM objects (CP_00017)

    States that no Valuemation object and more than one SM objects which meet the conditions of the rule when specifying the default of the SM cardinality of 0:1 or 1:1 exist.

  • Warning: No VM object and too many SM objects (CP_00017)

    States that no Valuemation object and more than one SM objects which meet the conditions of the rule when specifying the default of the SM cardinality of 0:1 or 1:1exist.

  • Information: No rule for this object (CP_00011)

    It states that an object is allocated to a System or Workstation which, by applying a rule, could not be tested to produce a valid result. In other words, the object was filtered out by the Search rule and wasn’t compared by the map comparison. Logging of the message can be enabled or disabled in Options.

  • Warning: No record to match values on SM side (MAP) (CP_00015)

    This message occurs if only the direct attribute compare (map) on the SM side fails. In other words, there’s no SM object which corresponds to the Valuemation object.

  • Warning: No record to match values on VM side (MAP) (CP_00016)

    This message occurs if only the direct attribute compare (map) on the Valuemation side fails. In other words, there’s no VM object which corresponds to the SM object.

  • Information: This object was not compared (CP_00019)

    Indicates that there’s no rule for the domain class (object type). This message is generated just once for each object type and not for each object instance. Logging of the message can be enabled or disabled in Options.

  • Information: This object was compared more times (CP_00020)

    Indicates that the object matches several instances on the other side. A reason of this is the object was compared by more than one Compare rules. Logging of the message can be enabled or disabled in Options.

See Also

Compare Results

Compare Results Catalog