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Logging into Valuemation

The standard entry point to API is the Application object. In case of Valuemation, there was a need of an entry point secured from outside. Consequently, the object you use to access API is ApiLogin, which verifies the authorization of the user. Only after having logged in correctly and passing the client you want to work in, it returns the Application object that contains main functions for work with API.

Help Image

Login dialog box

ApiLogin is now able to initialize Valuemation, which is especially useful for VBScript and other scripts and applications connecting to Valuemation from outside. The obvious advantage is that no local user must be logged at the computer where Valuemation is running. However, the login dialog stays displayed in GUI and a local user can log in, independently on API.

For situations where GUI is undesirable, for example, when you use Valuemation as a computing core encapsulated in a complex web application that controls it from outside, VMApplication (the Valuemation internal object not the API one) now provides a new method VMStart(), which is able to initialize Valuemation to be ready to listen to API requests with no GUI displayed. This method can also be invoked via ApiLogin, which calls it automatically if needed (see Logging In).

In This Chapter

Logging In

Initialize login through GUI

Logging Out

Login Syntax


See Also

Getting Started With Valuemation API

Working with API Objects
