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Working with API Objects

All objects we describe in Valuemation API are so called API objects. They are parallel to relevant Valuemation objects (BO;An acronym sometimes used for Business Object (see Business Object) Business object is an entity in an information system bearing some information. In Valuemation, all Valuemation objects are called "business objects") e.g. ApiCatalog in Valuemation API x Catalog in Valuemation) and provide methods, which enable us to control business objects through API. However, only a limited number of Valuemation internal objects is made public this way.

There are two types of API objects in Valuemation API. One type is simple object manipulating single business object. The second type is a container of these objects that provides operation for enumeration, searching, adding, and removing simple API objects.

As mentioned here, in the text, different typefaces are used for containers and single objects: containers are printed in capital letters (CATALOGS), corresponding single objects mentioned in plural are printed in lower case (catalogs). This is done to emphasize the difference between containers and objects in plural, which might otherwise confuse you while using this e-help.

In This Chapter

Key Objects in Valuemation API

Example: Working with API Objects Step by Step

See Also

Getting Started With Valuemation API


Logging into Valuemation