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Default Values

The 'Default Values' page administers user-specific default values for individual attributes or relations.

The ability to have a user-specific default value must be specifically enabled for each object type attribute. The Valuemation customization expert is expected to:

  1. decide which attributes will the users be able to specify their default values for
  2. enable user defaults for these attributes

How to enable user defaults for an attribute

  1. Open the object type in the Object Type Customizer
  2. Go to the 'Attributes' tab and locate the attribute
  3. Scroll horizontally to the 'User Defaults?' column and select the 'User Defaults?' check box for the attribute.

As a result, this object type attribute will be offered for default value creation in user settings.

How to create user default values

  1. Open the 'Default Values' page of 'User Settings'. Select either the 'Attribute Defaults' or the 'Relation Defaults' tab according to the type of default values to be created.
  2. Click the 'Create Default Value' button. A dialog window offering a list of attributes or relations for which user defaults have been enabled (in the Object Type Customizer) opens.
  3. In the dialog, select the desired attribute or relation (for which you want to define a default value) and click the 'Select' button. If the item you are looking for is not in the list, user defaults need to be enabled for it first (see above).
  4. The attribute or relation has been added to the defaults list in User Settings. Click on it in one of its empty columns. The 'Default Value' dialog opens. (Note that only clicking in editable columns opens the dialog.)
  5. In the 'Default Value' dialog:
    1. Use the radio buttons at the top of the dialog to specify the type of default to be created. Possible types are 'Direct Value / Function / Parameter / Workflow' for attribute defaults and 'Direct Value / Workflow' for relation defaults.
    2. Below the radio buttons, use the field corresponding to the selected type to specify the default.

    The specified default will be displayed in the corresponding column of the defaults list.

    You will notice that both the 'Attribute Defaults' and 'Relation Defaults' lists contain a duplicate for each editable column. The duplicate columns (labeled (C) after the column name) can be used to specify an alternative default value for the copy operation. This way a different default value can be specified for object creation and object copying.

To remove a user-specific default value definition, select it in the defaults list and click the 'Remove Default Value' button.

See Also


Business Keys