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Authorization by Instance

Authorization by Instance is the most specific permission entry that overrides all the other rights.

In contrast to Authorization by Attribute Value, this type of authorization controls access to the exactly selected instance(s) of a Business Object Type.

Before you can select the instance(s) you have to set a condition for the filter and search the instances according the condition. If the result of the condition gives a broad list of objects, the search can be narrowed down by further condition(s). Particular instance(s) is (are) then picked manually from the list.

The search mechanism is based on the same principles as the filter search in Catalogs throughout Valuemation (see Full Search chapter for more information about setting the filter).

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Authorization by Instance

See Authorization by Instance sequence.

See Also

Permission to Object Types

Authorization by Type

Authorization by Attribute Value

Authorization by Relation

Authorization for Attribute

Task in Permission to Object Types Tab