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Record Type

With this function you can specify which sets of an input file are read in. They can define conditions for different record types. Depending on these conditions, the validity of a sentence can be determined. Also tables with different types of clause can be processed in such a way. For each type of clause, conditions are defined (according to which they are recognized)

The types of the clause are used by the generator of the transfer program. They must be numbered consecutively (record format number) and be processed according to their numbering. For each type of the clause, you indicate at least one condition (according to which the sentence is recognized). They can specify several conditions, which are likewise numbered consecutively (a condition number). Then they are to be queried in this order. During the numbering, it’s recommended to proceed itself in decimal steps, so that late conditions and/or types of clause can be inserted. A type of clause is considered as recognized, if all pertinent conditions are fulfilled (they are lined up along AND). As soon as a condition is not fulfilled, the next type of clause is examined. Each sentence will be examined in the order of the types of clause and among them the respective conditions until it applies to a type of clause. If no type of clause applies to the defined record type, this input sentence is rejected and placed into a separate output file. The number of sentences rejected during the type of clause recognition is counted and specified in minutes after the data transfer. After the data transfer you will get a protocol with all this information.

Because all types of a clause are checked until being applied, the type of the clause which occurs most frequently should be at the beginning.

The record types are listed in this catalog, the necessary specification has to be done in the catalog 'record type conditions'.

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Record types

See Also



Carrier Type

Record Type Conditions

Field Definitions