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Example Use Cases

With the DPM you can implement a wide range of use cases. For example:

  • Archive data to restrict access

    Example requirement: An IT service provider defines that customer tickets must be kept for 10 years. However, for data protection reasons, they should no longer be accessible to all employees of the User Help Desk after 2 years.

    Solution: With the help of DPM, every ticket is automatically archived 2 years after completion. Access to the archive is limited to managers of the User Help Desk only.

  • Permanently delete data

    Example requirement: As customer tickets may contain personal information, they should be deleted once the retention period has expired.

    Solution: With the help of DPM, normal tickets are deleted automatically after their retention period has expired. Tickets marked as security relevant will be deleted in a manual process.

  • Anonymize data

    Example requirement: As an alternative to deletion, tickets should be anonymized so that they can continue to be used without personal information, e.g. for statistical purposes.

    Solution: At the specified time, each ticket is anonymised by the DPM.

  • Protect selected data from anonymisation and/or deletion

    Example requirement: The DPM is used to automatically delete contracts and tickets after the retention period has expired. An ongoing legal dispute with a third party requires concerned contracts and tickets to be kept in order to preserve evidence.

    Solution: Contracts and tickets concerning the third party are protected from automatic deletion by excluding them from DPM data rules execution.

See Also

Data Protection Manager


Data Rules, Data Rule Actions

Data Cases
