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Data Cases

Due to a legal dispute, the need to exclude certain objects from deletion and anonymization by the DPM may arise. The exclusion of objects from DPM processing is handled by so called Data Cases. Data cases are administered in the 'Data Cases' catalog found in the Data Protection Manager sidebar.

To exclude one or more objects from DPM processing, either create a new data case object or add the objects to a suitable already exisiting data case.

Creation of a new data case:

  1. Open the 'Data Cases' catalog and call context menu action 'Create'. The 'New: Data Case' editor opens.
  2. In the editor, provide a description of the data case.
  3. In the 'Assigned Objects' tab, call the 'Assign' action (context menu action or the '+' button) to assign one or more business objects (of any object type) whose exclusion from DPM processing is needed. First an object type is selected, then objects of this object type are offered for selection.
  4. Set data case 'Status':
    • Active - all objects assigned to the data case are excluded from DPM processing
    • Closed - objects assigned to the data case are no longer excluded from DPM processing
  5. Click 'Ok' to save the data case.

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See Also

Data Protection Manager

Example Use Cases


Data Rules, Data Rule Actions
