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Accept and Execute a Service Request

Jimmy is a member of the second level support. He gets both incidents and service requests forwarded and he should solve them or execute them. He starts at around 8 am (leaving at 5 pm). Let's assume Jimmy got a Service Request and he is able to execute it.

The following actions are involved:

Service Request-Groups

The action opens the Service Request-Groups catalog which allows you to locate and open the specific service request.



Accept SR

Enables you to accept the Service Request and work on it.


SR Executed

Allows you to execute the Service Request. This means that you have solved a problem and confirm that the problem has been resolved.

Accepting and Executing a Service Request consists of the following stages:

  • Stage 1: Call the Service Request-Groups catalog
  • Stage 2: Accept the Service Request
  • Stage 3: Execute the Service Request
  • Stage 3: Finalize the process

Call the Service Request-Groups Catalog

The Service Request-Groups action can be started:

  • Using the Smart Tile on the Start Page of the Second Level Support Business View

    Using the tile on the Second Level Support Start Page is the fastest way to open the Service Request-Groups catalog.

    Note: If not present, tiles can be easily added by Start Page customization.

  • Using the Smart Tile from the 'Tiles' InfoObject

    If available, the 'Tiles' InfoObject provides access to all available Smart Tiles, the Service Request-Groups tile included.

Accept the Service Request

In the Service Request catalog:

  1. Locate the specific service request.
  2. Now you can accept it using the Accept button below in the catalog


    double click to open the service request and then accept it using the Accept button below in the editor.

  3. Now you solve the requirements of the service request.

    Note: This happens outside Valuemation.

Execute the Service Request

After solving the service request, you can execute it in Valuemation:

  1. Click the SR Executed button in the editor.

    The Ticket Description window pops up.

    Here you should describe what you have done.

  2. Fill in at least the mandatory fields.
  3. Click OK to proceed.

Finalize the Process

Click one more time to close the edit view of the service request.

The process has been completed.

See Also

Second Level Support

Follow an Incident