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Create and Solve Incident

Typical use case scenario: Hans is the 1st Level agent. Unlike the Call Center Agent, he does not only have to open tickets but he should also solve the tickets immediately if it is possible. He starts at around 8 a.m. (leaving at 5 p.m.). Now let's assume Hans has got information that something is wrong and he should create and solve the Incident.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Create Incident

The action calls a New: Incident dialog which is the main starting point of the Incident creation.

By default, this particular action is related to all of the Business Views except for the End User Business View. In this case, the action is coupled with the 'First Level Support' Business View.


Assign System

Allows you to assign the affected system to the ticket.


Solve Incident

Allows you to solve the ticket immediately provided you know the solution on the spot.

Creating and solving the Incident consists of the following stages:

  • Stage 1: Call the Create Incident action
  • Stage 2: Specify mandatory attributes
  • Stage 3: Assign the affected System
  • Stage 4: Solve the Incident
  • Stage 5: Finalize the Incident creation process

Call the Create Incident Action

The action can be started:

  • Using the Smart Tile on the Start Page of the Call Center Agent Business View

    Using the tile on the Call Center Agent Start Page is the fastest way to open the New: Incident dialog.

    Note: If not present, tiles can be easily added by Start Page customization.

  • Using the Smart Tile from the 'Tiles' InfoObject

    If available, the 'Tiles' InfoObject provides access to all available Smart Tiles, the Create Incident tile included.

  • Calling the actions from the Sidebar InfoObject

    In the Sidebar, go to Actions > Create New Incident

    You may need to add the Sidebar InfoObject to the Work Perspective. When adding the 'Sidebar' InfoObject, make sure that you have selected the corresponding Business View the sidebar content is business view specific.

    Note: If the 'Create Incident' action is not present by default, right-click on the Actions folder and add the corresponding workflow definition.

Specify Mandatory Attributes

After you start the Create Incident action, the New: Incident dialog appears.

This dialog requires that you fill in at least the mandatory fields:

  • The Requested by section is prefilled with the current user data. The Requested for field represents the affected person for whom this ticket was requested.

    By default, the person in Requested for is equal to the person selected in Requested by. Optionally this can be changed.

  • Provide a brief Ticket Shorttext to describe the ticket.
  • Make the Incident categorization and classification: Ticket Class = Incident, Ticket Type (e.g. Disturbance) and Category (e.g. Hardware, PC).
  • Prioritization: Fill in the Incident Type, Impact, Urgency and Date Reported/Date Planned fields.

Assign the System

Now you want to assign the affected system to the ticket:

  1. Click the Assign System button.

    The System browser appears.

  2. Select the workstation by double clicking it.

    The system has been assigned.

Solve the Incident

You have recorded all the necessary information.

Now you also realize that you know the solution so that the Incident can be solved immediately:

  1. Click the Solve Incident button.

    The Ticket Description window opens.

    Here you must provide at least the solution description in the Shorttext field.

  2. Click OK to proceed.

Finalize the Incident creation process

The Incident has been solved after you clicked the OK button in the previous step.

The Incident ticket is automatically reassigned to the overall responsible group. Solving the Incident has resulted in a status change to 'Solved (IN)'. The Date Finished attribute has been automatically filled in with a date/time value of the moment when the Incident was solved.

See Also

First Level Support

Create Incident Including an Activity

Follow an Incident