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Check For Escalated Incidents

Typical use case scenario: Tom is an incident manager and he is responsible for all incidents to be resolved within the SLA. He starts at around 8 a.m. (leaving at 5 p.m.) and begins to check if there are any ticket escalations in his mailbox. If yes, then he has to solve that issue. Let's assume he has to forward an incident which almost ran out of the SLA because the current person is ill.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Incident Tickets (escalated)

The action opens the corresponding Incident tickets (escalated) catalog.

In this catalog, the incident manager can quickly search for the affected incident by the incident number, open the escalated Incident and execute other actions in the edit view.


Work on

Allows you to accept a ticket and thus become the ticket assignee.


Assign Incident

Enables you to forward the incident to another appropriate support group or a member of this group (person)

Working on the escalated Incident Tickets involves the following stages:

  • Stage 1: Calling the Incident Tickets (escalated) action.
  • Stage 2: Open the escalated Incident from the Incident Tickets (escalated) catalog.
  • Stage 3: Work on the Incident.
  • Stage 4: Assign the Incident.
  • Stage 5: Finalize the process.

Calling the Action

The Incident Tickets (escalated) action can be started in several ways:

  • Using the Smart Tile on the Start Page of the Incident Manager business view

    Using the tile on the Incident start page is the fastest way to open the Incident Tickets (escalated) catalog.

    Note: If not present, tiles can be easily added by start page customization.

  • Using the Smart Tile from the 'Tiles' InfoObject

    The 'Tiles' InfoObject provides access to all available Smart Tiles, the Incident Tickets (escalated) tile included.

  • Calling the actions from the Sidebar InfoObject

    In the Sidebar, go to Catalog > Ticket > Tickets (escalated)

    You may need to add the Sidebar InfoObject to the Work Perspective. When adding the 'Sidebar' InfoObject, make sure that the 'Incident Manager' is the current business view (as the sidebar content is business view specific).

Open the Escalated Incident

In the catalog, search for the affected incident using the Quick Search box and:

  1. Select the escalated Incident Ticket.
  2. Double-click the Incident Ticket.

    The Ticket opens in the edit view.

Work on the Incident

Tom, who is the Incident Manager, is not the currently assigned person to the Incident Ticket. However, he can use the Work on action to accept the ticket.

To 'Work on' the ticket:

  1. Select the desired ticket in the Incident Tickets (escalated) catalog


    open the ticket in the edit view.

  2. Right-click to call the context menu.
  3. Click Work on to accept the ticket.

    Now you are the currently assigned person.

Note: You must be a member of the current or responsible group to be able to use the Work on action.

Assign the Incident

Using the Work on action, Tom becomes the current person and he is able to forward the incident to another appropriate support group or a member of this group (person).

  1. Click the Assign Incident button.

    The Ticket Forwarding pop-up window opens.

    Here you can provide the assignment information, i.e. specify the new support group and sometimes a specific support group member (person) to work on this incident.

    Note: When forwarding a ticket, more than one know-how profile can match. In this case, the list of available support groups will be prefiltered according to the know-how profile. An additional note is shown in the forwarding view prompting you to choose one of the suggested supportgroups which the ticket should be forwarded to.

    You can also specify emailing options (should an email be sent, what type of email).

  2. Click OK to proceed.

    The Incident editor closes.

    The ticket has been assigned to specified group (or person).

    Usually they will also receive an email with a notification about the assignment.

See Also

Incident Manager

Follow an Incident