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How to Test

The steps of the test process:

  1. In the 'Setup CTI Administrator Settings', Set WF_Connected = Test.CTI
  2. Setup CTI for 4 users, set MonitoredAddress.

    For example:

    user SKM = 123, Status = Enabled

    user SEM = 123, Status = Enabled

    user GOP = 123, Status = Disabled

    user ZAM = 456, Status = Enabled

  3. Log into Valuemation: twice as SKM, once as SEM, once as GOP, once as ZAM.
  4. Call Valuemation webservice to announce the incomming call on 123.

    E.g. by 1 curl -i ""

  5. Verify that a window with the "Test.CTI" title appears for the user 'SEM', for the user 'SKM' in both sessions but not for GOP and ZAM.

See Also

Server Based CTI

Server Setup

User Setup

Example of Webservice Call
