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User Setup

The user setup process consists of the following steps:

  1. Start the 'Setup CTI Administrator Settings' from the Sidebar.

    Note: If it is not available in the sidebar, add it by selecting the 'CTI.Settings.forAdministrator' workflow.

  2. Copy the value of 'AccessToken' (e.g. "89e266fa-66e3-4c47-89b7-73d0a1f03ddf") for the later use in the webservice call.

    The "AccessToken" is generated by Valuemation when the 'Setup CTI Administrator Settings' is started for the first time.

    It can be changed manually any time later and it is used to authenticate the webservice calls.

  3. Press the 'User Settings' button.

    View to enter user CTI setup is opened.

    Select or enter:

    PluginType = WebService

    PluginName = WebServiceA

    MonitoredAddress = <phone/extension number on user's desk, e.g. 123>

    Status = Enabled

See Also

Server Based CTI

Server Setup

Example of Webservice Call

How to Test
