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Event Data Actions

The 'Event Log' catalog provides the following context menu actions:

  • View

    Calling this action on an event opens the event in the editor, providing a detailed overview of all event attributes and access to its referenced objects.

  • Show events 10 minutes ago

    Calling this action on an event in the Event Log catalog will filter the catalog to display only events:

    • registered for the current user


    • falling into the time interval <start time of the event from which the action is called / start time of the event from which the action is called MINUS ten minutes>
  • Show related events

    Calling this action on an event whose Time Frame = 'End' will filter the catalog to display the "twin" Start event and all related events occurring between this Start/End event combination.

    See the 'The Start-End Events Example' topic for an example of a Start/End event combination and related events.

See Also

Viewing Event Data

The Start-End Events Example

Event Data Analysis