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The Start-End Events Example

The Start Time / End Time concept outlined in the 'Viewing Event Data' topic can be best explained by means of an example:

  1. An action is started.

    Valuemation action is considered a single point in time (the time when the action is triggered).

    The Action event receives Time Frame = 'Normal' and Start Time information is recorded.

  2. Within the action, a workflow gets started.

    Workflow processing takes a certain amount of time within which a sequence of other related tasks is performed by the application.

    The event starting the workflow receives Time Frame = 'Start' and Start Time information is recorded.

  3. Within the workflow, a number of workflow activities get triggered. In this example, let's consider a workflow containing only one workflow activity.

    Workflow activities usually take a certain amount of time to process.

    Starting the workflow activity is marked by a Workflow Activity event which receives Time Frame = 'Start' and its Start Time information is recorded.

  4. Within the activity, a number of SQL statements may get triggered.

    Even though SQL events have a Start and End Time recorded, from the application's viewpoint they are considered a single occurrence.

    Each SQL event receives Time Frame = 'Normal' and its Start and End Time information is recorded.

  5. Processing of the workflow activity ends.

    Ending the workflow activity is marked by a Workflow Activity event which receives Time Frame = 'End'. Start Time information from its "twin" Workflow Activity/Start event is copied and the event's End Time information is added.

  6. The workflow started in step 2) ends.

    All events related to the workflow have been performed and workflow processing ends.

    The event ending the workflow receives Time Frame = 'End'. Start Time information from its "twin" Workflow/Start event is copied and the event's End Time information is added.

See Also

Viewing Event Data

Event Data Actions

Event Data Analysis